This is the audio preview of the Random Wire Review issue #102 that will be published on Friday, August 9, 2024.
The topics in issue 102 look to be shaping up like this:
1. AllStarLink Build Progress
1.1 Parts and supplies
1.2 Wiring notes
1.3 Plan
2. Tools & LInks
2.1 BeeStation backup and cloud service
2.2 Adding telemetry to a Meshtastic node
2.3 Desk microphone for the Yaesu FTM-300DR
3. WisMesh Pocket (photos in issue 102)
Morse Code clips from the Morse Code Translator
The other cover: If you see a photo of a person with a headset, that is a selfie of Tom Salzer KJ7T using a Heil headset
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