Tom - interesting experiment! It’s a brave new world when we have the knowledge of the world curated for us. What’s interesting about this is it seems to be able to synthesize answers rather than finding the closest fitting single web link as Google does - no wonder Google is in a panic!

I can’t provide a pointer at the moment (I’m on a plane) but in my opinion the bigger impact of AI will be AI running locally in your home / office / shop / shack. Couple an AI with a software defined receiver that’s always listening, seeing results from WISPR, listening to all the repeaters in your area. Then... just ask: “Work ZZ1ZZZ” AI figures out best band, time, mode, etc. it’s always listening so it knows. Ditto sending an email via AR - it figures it out.

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It makes wonder if this used on space craft that are currently in use (Artemis). As the spacecraft travels further away- the more variables it may come across and have to think for itself

Brian NT7Y

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