I am totally fine with this format,if l see something l am not interested in or that l disapprove of l simply delete and block the person sending it. We can only provide our thoughts as we see things and we are all coming from different perspectives. Don’t let trolls or negative comments push you away from the good things you write about.Paul VA7ZZT

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I agree with Paul. I read several Substacks and I have never noticed any Nazis. There is a campaign among legacy media people to scare Substack writers away because Substack has become such a popular platform. Kathleen KN4IJM

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Freedom of speech is exactly that. I agree with the Substack policy of allowing nazi speech to remain in the public forum where it can be ridiculed for the failed ideology it is. Censorship and the current trend to force media companies to engage in it pushes these ideas into the shadows where they slowly smolder, unaddressed, until they burst into flame.

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I understand the perceived conflict of interest. I want nothing to do with nazis or any other group that puts down another. Hell, political discourse is over the line for me most of the time. But then I have to look at why would a God (of your understanding) let this be? Why are the nazis able to breathe the same air I do? It is beyond my control.

I had some business dealings with a “psychopath” decades ago. I and my business and board of directors got taken, hook line and sinker, by this fellow. I studied the phenomena a little and discovered there is a correlation with connectivity in the brain between the moral value area and the action area. Robert Hare’s work in this field was groundbreaking. My point is that there are somewhere between 1 and 3% of humans with little or no moral values. Just primal and taking care of themselves over anyone else. I can do nothing about this other than to stay out their way and out of their attention. THEY are everywhere.

The point is that there are all sorts of people I want nothing to do with. I cannot change them. And they are everywhere. Lucky for me I don’t associate with those folks. I don’t think it matters where you go to publish, the nazis and their like will be there also. Hopefully the voices of sanity and respect will drown out their voices. So move, or don’t move, your readers will most likely follow or stay. In my opinion, it does not matter. David Balcaen VE7GYA

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I appreciate your comments very much, David. Thank you. Your thoughts help.

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So... when I was growing up... we shot, killed and jailed Nazi’s. I have zero tolerance for any organization which allows them to spread their evil messages of hate and intolerance. I was unaware of this issue with sub stack. Now that in am aware, and as one of your followers, I completely support your potential move to another platform. I also plan to share my opinion with the other authors whom I follow and who use sub stack. I will be dropping my engagement with authors who continue to support a platform that enables the main streaming of the Nazi platform.

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I haven't seen any of these reported activities. I subscribe to a few prominent posters that do great work

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There are some fantastic writers on Substack!

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I share your struggle. There is some discomfort here, but there are also some things I follow here. I have not yet started leaving. I will follow you if you do.

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I've found Medium to be a more popular platform for writers, there doesn't seem to be a plague of Nazi's there, or at least, I haven't seen any. Your mileage may vary.


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