
I purchased a Cisco SPA525G phone and had it configured with two different VoIP services in about ten minutes. Both phone numbers are working. The 525G has wifi and Bluetooth so I will have a bit more flexibility with this phone set.

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This is very interesting to me. The Cisco phone on the LES.NET service is providing perfectly clear audio with no lag between speaker and listener. I also have an Ooma phone system that produces audio quality distinctly inferior to the LES.NET service. The audio is harder to hear ("muddier") and there is a detectable lag that is rather disconcerting in a conversation. The lag is just long enough to make you think the other person has stopped talking, so you start, but they weren't really done and you end up talking over each other. I'm leaning toward discontinuing the Ooma service in favor of the LES.NET instance.

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